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03/23/09 - Salaries of Hanover County, VA employees

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Salaries of Hanover County employees: Note: We have shown first names and middle initial but only the last initial of the last name to protect identities.  Pay close attention to title, department, and yearly salary.
We have  2007  &  2008  salaries of all county employees but not the names of most deputies which were not given to us in our FOIA request. 
Also here is the 2007  and  2008  "overtime" which was paid on top of those salaries above.   If the name space is blank, then the name was not given to us by the County.
Also on the list are the amounts contributed to the retirement plans for the County Administrator and the County Attorney and various amounts for car allowance for several positions. 
If you are a "salaried" employee in the private sector, did you get paid overtime in addition to your salary?  
In Hanover County, even salaried employees get overtime pay. 
In 2007, we paid $1,152,562.52 in overtime. That equals around 1 cent on our tax rate. 
In 2008, we paid $1,134,408.67 in overtime. That also equals around 1 cent on our tax rate.
Please note that some people were paid five digit overtime amounts both years.
Here are school employees salaries.  The school central office did not give me this file in a format that I could have protected the last name...


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